eastories tours to Siberia

explore Lake Baikal


Multi-days tours around Baikal


Rent UAZ van and discover Siberia on your own. We will give you suggestions of places to visit


Crossing the frozen lake by car or walking, helicopter fly or an off-road tour to Yakutsk – Get in touch with us and let us know where would you like to go and we will prepare everything for you

Authentic Tours to Siberia – explore Lake Baikal

eastories is a family project which aims to develop environmentally friendly tourism in the Lake Baikal region. We support the people of Baikal by giving them the opportunity to welcome tourists from all over the world and participate in international activities in the region. In this way, we would like to integrate the local community with foreigners and present the authentic life of locals to tourists.

Rent Uaz off-road van

Discover Siberian landscapes on your own

This unique all-wheel-drive UAZ van was first produced in 1965 but somehow it is been manufactured without any big modification still nowadays . Thanks to its simplicity and technical design adapted specially to the Russian clima and road, UAZ continues to be one of the best off-road vehicles in Russia.


The packages below are just an example of possible tour.
The best way is to contact us directly to compose your experience in base of your wishes and needs.



Small group tours to explore lake Baikal during the winter. Spend an amazing time accompanied of good company and pro local guide.

Siberian village


Hike and camp along the shore of the Lake Baikal with a small group and local guide. Explore wild Siberian nature.

Selfdrive uaz

Self-Drive UAZ

Explore Siberia on your own, driving one of our UAZ cars.

eastories guesthouse


Experience living in an authentic Siberian village at the local family farm

lake baikal winter tours
Lake Baikal winter tours

Finding your best time to visit Lake Baikal

World’s oldest and deepest lake, that contains 23% of the world’s fresh surface water – more than all of the North American Great Lakes combined.

Because it is located in an active continental rift zone, which is widening at a rate of about 1 inch (2.5 cm) per year, Lake Baikal could grow wider and deeper in the future

Guide Ilja

Linguist, musician and guide to the Lake Baikal

My name is Ilja, I have Buryat-Russian roots but I’ve spent the major part of my life in Poland and Germany, and nowadays I live in Cortona, Italy. Since an early age I have been passionate about Russian culture, literature, history and nature. Every time that I could, I was travelling there to my family, that lives far away from me, in a small village on the shore of the Lake Baikal.

Travel with us

Exploring Siberia and Lake Baikal with eastories means to choose an alternative travel solution and a different way of organising a trip.
Travelling to Russia is not easy due to the language and bureaucratic barriers which makes the organisation full of steps and extra expenses.

Our core values

We have established our core value on bringing authentic travel experiences. Thanks to the local connections, consistent assistance on traveling organisation and ensured cultural exchanges, we can guarantee the maximum of adventure.

Why eastories

eastories offers customised guided trips and series of services. Among everything we offer, you can find total assistance on flights booking, train tickets, car rental, recommendations for accommodation and transportations within Russia.

I’ve Developed Fun & Authentic Experience For Hundreds of Travellers From All Over The World.

We’ve hosted tourist and volunteers from all over the world in the last few years and we hope to attract more enthusiast to support our project.

Start your journey to Siberia


Get in touch

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Write to us

Mostly the group tours start during winter and summer time. Try to contact us in advance, so we can guarantee you a place.

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    Your message

    •   Первое знакомство с Байкалом. Нижний Новгород.
      Байкал – 10 дней и 9 ночей, проведенные в поселке Бугульдейка на Eastories Farm.

      Удивительно красивая местность этого села, добродушная семья на Eastories Farm, отдельный теплый дом с печкой и домашней едой создадут комфортную и уютную атмосферу для глубокого знакомства с таким Великим, Одиноким и Вольным Байкалом. За эти дни нам удалось, запечатлеть тихую гладь и лощеность Байкала в солнечном ярком отблеске сентябрьского Солнца, суровость и знойность Великого Байкала среди могучих грозных туч и ярких громких раскатов молний, вернуться к своим пенатам - здесь и навсегда, наши сердца покорил Великий Дух Байкала.

      Благодаря радушному приему на Eastories Farm, Байкал откроется во всем Его Величии. Вы познакомитесь с жизнью и бытом коренных жителей, узнаете их обычаи, историю обычных людей, их радости и печали. Утро вы встретите песнопением коров, днем горные цикады проведут вас по берегам Байкала, а ночью будто все звезды нашей галактики соберутся именно здесь на сентябрьском ночном небе.

      На Eastories Farm о вас будут заботиться три женщины (дочка Лена, мама Таня и бабушка). Вас будут кормить домашней едой, обогревать печкой и согревать в русской бане. Дядя Володя познакомит с тайнами Байкала и Бугульдейки.
      Благодарим хозяев Eastories Farm за радушный прием и знакомство с этим дивным уголком нашей Вселенной.
      И особая благодарность Байкалу! За возможность прожить несколько дней в Твоей Стихии и Твоем Безмолвии.
      Любим! Обнимаем и целуем!
      Дима и Настя. Нижний Новгород.

      thumb Dmitry
      September 11, 2020
    •   A uniquely located air bnb in a beautiful part of Lake Baikal. The air bnb was spacious and very clean. Would recommend paying for meals as they were very tasty,... read more

      thumb Thomas
      April 27, 2018
    •   Merci pour ce fabuleux séjour. Nous ne savions pas à quoi s'attendre en venant à Bougouldeïka. C'est notre plus belle étape. C'était authentique, loin des parcours touristes et une... read more

      thumb Flavie
      March 10, 2021
    •   They gives us a unforgettable memories. I wanted to give you a 6points of star. We're so thankful about a nice and warm care. We could not forget the memories... read more

      thumb Byun
      August 17, 2018
    •   Мы благодарим Илью и его семью за чудесный прием! Мы провели отличную неделю в Бугульдейке! Домашние завтраки, обеды и ужины- ничего сложного, но очень вкусно! Отличные условия. Если выбираете между Хужиром и Бугульдейкой, мы точно рекомендуем остановиться здесь!
      Мягкие комфортные кровати, свежее постельное белье и баня каждый вечер! Невероятный вид из окна и Байкал в 20-ти минутах от дома.

      thumb Irina
      March 21, 2021
    •   few opportunities in the world like this one. Ilja's family so kind and open-hearted and informative. I mean if you're expecting Disney World this is not for you. but I... read more

      thumb Brendan
      February 22, 2019
    •   We were very happy staying at Ilja's place for two nights in winter. We were hosted by his very kind family. They cared a lot about our comfort, and they... read more

      thumb Marie
      March 9, 2018
    •   Our stay in Buguldeyka was great. The hosts did everything possible to make it easier for us to arrive in the village and leave. The place is really beautiful and... read more

      thumb Margaux
      July 25, 2019
    •   Огромное спасибо Илье, Елене и всей его семье за радушный приём! Были здесь в августе и провели потрясающую неделю. Фантастическое место посреди природы. Вокруг тишина и спокойствие.В дали от толп туристов. В пешей доступности множество красивых мест, от сюда можно отправиться в поход до Листвянки или наоборот (займëт 3-4 дня).Добраться на машине достаточно легко, только сворачивать лучше в Петрова в 2021 году ,там дорога получше, можно ехать 70-80 км/ч, но добавляет крюк~ км 20. В деревне два магазина, там нет излишеств, но минимум из необходимого есть.Животных тут ощутимо больше, чем людей (домашний скот). В шаговой доступности находятся мраморный карьер, горы и, конечно, сам Байкал! Хозяева - прекрасные отзывчивые люди, тепло встретили нас, и мы чувствовали себя как дома. Поселили в очень просторном и уютном домике со всем необходимым. Также отлично кормили и организовали баню. Очень жаль было уезжать, но мы обязательно сюда ещё вернёмся, но уже зимой! Очень рекомендую этот вариант!

      thumb Владислав
      August 7, 2021
    •   Great family to stay with. Seldom that you het their availability and willingness to assist in any challenges. They also washed 2 weeks worth of travel clothing!

      The little... read more

      thumb Derrick
      May 31, 2018

    positive review  Eastories is an authentic travel organization that provides an excellent and tailored service to any person who is keen to discover Russia and Siberia. We have been more than happy... read more

    Yuli Yen Avatar Yuli Yen
    February 21, 2019

    Article about Buryat People

    “The indigenous, traditionally semi-nomadic Buryat people of Eastern Siberia used to live separately from one another until the Soviet Union forced them into collectives where their language and customs were suppressed. Now, in post-Soviet times, many still live side by side with Russians in villages like Bugul’deyka, a tiny hamlet of traditional wooden homes on the Western shore of Lake Baikal. There, Buryat families endeavor simultaneously to preserve important customs and traditions from the past while entering the modern economy. (…)”

    Gabriela Bulisova & Mark Isaac


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Get Ready for Adventure

    Where to book train tickets in Russia
    Train tickets for Russia are nowadays fortunately available online. There was and still is a big deal to buy them on the train station – the lines are long and the staff very unfriendly. Having an foreign passports makes the process even more complicated…but that’s another story.

    Simply go to the www.tutu.ru and book your ticket.

    There is also an official website of Russian Railways, but the booking process is a bit more complicated. www.rzd.ru

    Rememberer that you can buy the ticket max. 45 days in advance.

    Once you have the ticket, all you need is just to go to your train and show your passport to the conductor, he/she then will check if you are on the list of the passengers, then you enter to the train and that’s it

    Another good thing to know about the train ticket booking in Russia is, that you almost always have to possibility of refund, date change or even name change, without huge extra charge

    Bus Station in Irkutsk
    Once you are in Irkutsk it is easy to get lost around the amount of Cyrillic posters and advertisements. There will be probably no one who speaks english german or french, so your only solution is to gesticulate and follow this info:

    If you are on the train station and you immediately want to go to the Lake Baikal, you can search on the parking in front of the station for minivans. Even if they seem to be private, they work for public transport and most of them are going or Ulan Ude (УЛАН УДЭ), or Khuzir (ХУЖИР). Both of that directions are going to the Lake Baikal.
    If you prefer first to spend a bit of time in Irkutsk you can go on foot to the centre or take the tram (tickets inside). You also can take kind of UBER Taxi, which Russian alternative name is YANDEX TAXI in Russia and it is really cheap there. All you need is to order yandex taxi via app (download it here for IOS and here for ANDROID). The cost from the station/airport to the centre of the city is about 150RUB.
    The Bus (marshrutka) Irkutsk – Buguldeyka departs from the bus station at 16:00, the tickets are available online 30 days before departure and cost 800 RUB.
    Here is the link to the website:
    Here is the address to the bus station in Irkutsk city: Ulitsa Oktyabr’skoy Revolyutsii, 11, Irkutsk, Irkutsk Oblast, Russia, 664007

    Get in Touch!

    Email Address


    Call Us
    +7 950 142 4162 – Tolya
    +7 902 767 9193 – Lena
    +39 331 560 89 88 – Ilja
    Visit Us
    Buguldeyka, Irkutsk Oblast’, Russia
    Naberezhnaya 16

    Cortona (AR), Via Cioli 16

    contact me for any questions